Monday, May 27, 2013

10 Things to know about Memorial Day.

How did Memorial Day get started? Here are some facts about the national day of remembrance for America’s fallen heroes.

Memorial Day was originally known as Decoration Day.
More than two dozen cities lay claim to being the site of the first Memorial Day commemoration.
Gen. John Logan officially proclaimed Memorial Day on May 5, 1868.
The first national commemoration took place on May 30, 1868, as flowers were placed on the graves of both Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery.
In 1966, Congress and President Lyndon B. Johnson declared Waterloo, N.Y., as the “birthplace” of Memorial Day, citing a ceremony held on May 5, 1866 to honor Civil War dead.
It is believed that the date was chosen because by May 30, flowers would be in bloom all over the country.
Inspired by the poem “In Flanders Field,” Moina Michael wrote a poem of her own, and came up with the idea of wearing red poppies in honor of Memorial Day.
Some Southern states have special observances specifically in honor of fallen Confederate soldiers, including Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Louisiana, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia.
In 2000, Congress passed the National Moment of Remembrance Act to encourage people to give back to the country, as well as promote commemorations of Memorial Day.
The National Moment of Remembrance Act urges all Americans to pause, wherever they may be, at 3 p.m. local time on Memorial Day for a moment of silence in honor of the country’s fallen heroes.

In Flanders Fields
By: Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918)
Canadian Army
In Flanders Fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Simple No Fuss Nightly Routine!

Nightly routines we all have them. Some of us go to more trouble then others to get to bed. Maybe all the creams and steps or just the way you like to do things. But as for me I like to keep it real simple. At the end of a long work day, no fuss is a must! My goal is to relax and get the best sleep possible. But isn't that what we all want?

I start to unwind by taking a nice hot shower, preferably for about 20 minutes. Not to much time but just enough to do what I need to do. ;)
In this post I want to share with you the products I'm using at this time. I definitely don't have this down to a science or anything this is just what I do.

Before I even step into the shower I need to remove my makeup. I've never been one to use a makeup remover until recently. I saw one of my favorite beauty gurus on YouTube, put this product in her February, favorites video. The last time I went to Target I picked it up for myself  for $4.99

The New Maybelline Clean Express! It make removing all my eye makeup so easy. There's no smell, it's not overly oily and it works amazingly at removing even waterproof mascara! I had to stop using waterproof mascara just because it was so hard to remove. And at the time I was using baby oil to take off my eye makeup. And let's just say it was not working for me. So I'm very happy to be using this new found gem!

Now to take it from the top so to spake! ;)

Washing my hair is a big deal for me. Mostly because my hair tends to be very oily which is weird because I also have a little problem with dandruff. My hair needs to be washed every other day or else it throws a fit and makes me unhappy.

Shampoos I Use!

Head & Shoulders 2 in 1 dandruff shampoo + conditioner in Green Apple! This is a must for me, to help me out with my little problem...

The Brazilian Keratin Therapy Shampoo by Orgainx, is amazing I've been using this shampoo for over six months now and I still love it! It smells wonderful and sweet from the coconut oils and always leaves my hair feeling very silky smooth.

Body Wash!

The New Clean & Clear body wash with Wild berry and guava!
Love this, it smells fresh and clean I use it a lot as you can see I'm almost out too. Maybe next time I'll try one of the other senses I believe there are three!

Once I'm out of the shower and have towel dried my hair. I like to use a Leave-in conditioner.

By Garnier Fructis. This really helps me fight the frizz I have to deal with living on the humid coast of Texas. And boy do I need all the help I can get.
That's about it for me. Washed clean and let the hot water wash away the cares of the day.
Oops I'm almost for getting the best part of my relaxing routine.

Hot Herbal Tea!

100% natural teas by Celestial.

Of ours Chamomile Tea is the best tea to chooses before bed. But if its made with honey and vanilla and is caffeine free! That's just about as good as it could get.

To make it perfect I also add a dash of milk to it (as shone by my best friend Lyda) add some sugar and enjoy! :) and with that my friends I call it a night!

- Posted using BlogPress for iPhone.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Getting back in the swing of things!

Feels like it's been forever since I blogged. Maybe that's because the last time I did was in August. Oh well moving on... To start off blogging again, I think I'm just going to make this post about some of the most exciting things that happened at the end of 2012! (And of course most of it will be of pictures.) ;D This post is mostly going to be about this little thing I got to do called VidCon! It's a annual YouTube convention that's held in Anaheim California! I got to do two things I really wanted to do 1. travel to a place I've never been and 2. To fly in a big an airplane! I also got to take my little brother with me so that made it extra special that we could do it together! California is so beautiful I loved every moment of our trip!
I'm so excited to have the chance to go again this year! This time I'm going to be brave and go all by myself now that I have a lot of friends to meet up with!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Forever21's "Gospel in a nutshell"

John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

I've alway enjoyed shopping at Forever21. There floors sparkle and shine. There cloths are cute, and there jewelry is fun and modern. Everytime I go in I always come out with something fun in my bag! But this time it wasn't just whats was in my bag that put a smile on my face, but what was on it. When I went to take a few photos of my finds. I saw for the first time what was printed on the bottom of there yellow bag. John 3:16.

This is what I found on wikipedia.

Forever 21 has received attention in the media for printing "John 3:16" on the bottom of their trademark yellow bags. A spokeswoman from Forever 21's LA headquarters said the Biblical quote is a "demonstration of the owners' Christian faith." (A similar practice has been maintained by the In-N-Out Burger and Chick-Fil-A chains, which prints the quote "John 3:16" on the bottom of some of its cups.)

It's really neat to me, to see company's do something like this. No matter how small it's still a statement of truth.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

When The Sun Goes Down

We see the sun rise and fall everyday. The warmth of it, shines on the faces of the happy and the unhappy a like. Just as the rain falls on the dry and desolate land, and the green grass. There are a few things in life, that we are all given. The same hour, in the same day, the same minute that tikes away at the same exact seconds of our lives. What makes one mans day better than the others? Nothing. If we are measuring it by what we have. Or what we think we're worth. Nothing. At all. But a mans life isn't measured by what he fills his days with. The only way to truly measured a mans days is not by what he does, but who he 'knows'. The things that make us happy in this life last only for a day and kicky passes away. But true happiness comes from knowing the MAKER. The one who makes the sun to shine everyday without fail. The One, who's love is unending. The One who gave his only Son, to take away the sins of the world. Knowing HIM, is the only thing that brings us true happiness and joy, at the end of the day. Its this simple feeling. One that you feel when you lay your head to rest on your pillow at night. All the while knowing everything will be alright no matter what may be wrong. Peace in knowing no matter how heard the wind may blow heaven stands. When the sun goes down. ;)